Friday, March 25, 2011

Skippy Dies by Paul Murray

Don't remember which one of you recommended "Skippy Dies", but i am about 1/3 of the way through it and really like it. Funny, sad, and certainly captures a lot of what we don't like to see about adolescents, and makes you laugh at all the quirks. Some spot on observations re: parents and schools/school politics also. Hope it stays so readable. Thanks to the one that mentioned it, and to the others it is a goody. - Tillie

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Brambles by Eliza Minot

I really enjoyed reading this book and getting into the story and the characters. But the ending left me confused. The book is about a family of grown siblings as they prepare for their father's death. The main character, Margaret, is a stay-at-home mother of 3 small children, and some of the best parts of the book are her thoughts on parenting and the demands she feels by her family. So then there's a twist at the end... and it seems unnecessary or just odd. But anyway, liked the writing, liked the book, and I recommend it. - June

Monday, March 14, 2011

(Plan B) by Jonathan Tropper

The author would probably be surprised to know that this "senior citizen" liked his book about the frustration of turning 30!! Reviewers compared this book to an episode of Friends or Seinfeld. Well, I may be older than the characters in those shows and older than the characters in this book, but I still like them all. This is Tropper's first book, and although I liked This is Where I Leave You better, I still enjoyed Plan B. A close-knit group of college buddies kidnap one of their group to help him with his drug problem. The main characters exhibit wit through their self reflection, and all are people you want to know. While This is Where I Leave You made me laugh out loud, Plan B makes me smile. - June