Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Illusion of Separateness by Simon Van Booy

Drum Roll Please!  The winner of My Favorite Book of 2015 is........ The Illusion of Separateness. Yes, I know it's only April and way too soon to pick a favorite book of the year, but I'm sure this one will be among the top choices in December.  This little book is awesome!  It's the story of six people who live in different parts of the world and at different times.  And their lives eventually weave a story of how their lives are connected.  And the writing - simple and yet so elegant.  It's a style you either love or hate, and I love it.

Here's a quote that I honestly think about when I'm lying in bed trying to sleep:
Falling asleep is like walking out on a frozen lake.  The ice gets thinner and thinner until suddenly you fall through.
And here's another one:
We, one day, will be vanquished with a last puff and then nothing at all - nothing but the fragrance of our lives in the world, as on a hand that once held flowers.
You can read this book in a few hours.  And you definitely need to do this.  -June

Monday, April 6, 2015

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

Remember that classic line in a political debate many years ago when the politician said "And, Senator,  you're no John Kennedy" and put poor Dan Quayle in his place?  Well, here's what I say to this book.  "Sorry, but you're no Gone Girl".  Yes, this book is marketed as the next Gone Girl. It is a suspenseful read, but it is not nearly as well written and creative as GG.  That doesn't mean you shouldn't read it.  The premise is interesting.  A woman who rides a train every day creates an imaginary story about a couple she sees from the train every day.  She gives them names and images what their personalities are like.  So when the woman is missing, she manages to become involved in the mystery.  The main character, the woman on the train, is pretty much a mess with alcohol and other personal problems.  And as a reader, you want to shake her and scream at her when she starts to make yet another stupid decision.  But you'll find yourself reading to the end to find out which snarky character actually committed the crime.  - June