Tuesday, March 22, 2016

My Salinger Year by Joanna Rakoff

I remember reading Franny and Zooey when I was in high school. I can still picture the white cover of the paperback and how grownup I felt that I was reading this very adult book. Unfortunately, I can't remember anything about the story itself, but at the time, I loved it.

So it was fun to read this memoir about a young woman who worked in the New York office that represented J. D. Salinger in the 90's. For me, the best parts of her story were those where Salinger was involved: the times he called on the phone or the time he appeared in her office. Unfortunately, the author had to stretch it out to make a book and so we also have to learn about her boyfriend and his writing struggles and her girlfriends who were so forgettable that I kept mixing them up. Basically, this would have made a nice essay - and in fact, I believe that is how the story started. And then someone suggested she make a book and there you are.... a nice story with a lot of extra stuff wrapped around it. But if you're a Salinger fan, or even if you love to hear about authors and the book world, it's an interesting read. - June

Remember Me Like This by Bret Anthony Johnston

I blame Netflix. I just haven't been reading as much lately, and I know it's because I'm binge-watching Nurse Jackie and House of Cards and more. My Kindle is loaded with books I want to read but I'm addicted to tv shows! But I'm making a turn and I think I'm headed back to normal again soon.

I just finished (slogged through) Remember Me Like This. It's a well-written, interesting story. But boy, it is so hard to read because it is truly every parent's nightmare. The book opens when Justin has returned home after he being kidnapped by a man and living with him for four years. We never learn much about what happened during that time, but instead we get inside the head and heart of the mother, father, younger brother, and grandfather. On the outside, this family should be thrilled that their son has returned to them; however, they are all living with fear and anxiety for various reasons including the fact that the kidnapper is out on bail. The writing is excellent in most parts but in some parts way too wordy. So would I recommend that book? Yes, I suppose but it is so painful to read. I often had to put it down until I finally hit the last quarter and then powered through it.  - June