Sunday, December 23, 2018

How to Talk to a Widower by Jonathan Tropper

Years ago, I read (and loved) This is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper. I remember the quirky characters and the wonderful dysfunctional family. So when How to Talk to a Widower appeared in my daily BookBub email for a great price, I bought it instantly. I decided I'd save it for a time when I needed a few laughs.

Recently the political news has put me in a funk, and so rather than watch cable news, I decided to spend my time reading this fabulous book. The novel centers around Doug who has lost his wife in a plane crash. He's mourning her loss and has basically spent the year since her death drinking and pushing everyone away. As the story progresses, we meet his family, his friends, and we see how his life might come back together.

But the writing...... the author is snarky and sarcastic and I simply love it! He writes about grief in a way that makes you feel his pain. The dialogue between the characters is quick and witty and probably somewhat unrealistic but still..... totally engaging and often laugh-out-loud funny. I loved it! - June