Thursday, January 27, 2022

The Sentence by Louise Eldrich

As I read The Sentence, there were moments when I thought, "this book is brilliant". And then other times I wondered where in the world it was going. Is it possible that the author set out to write a certain plot line, and then at some point, COVID hit and so she just wrote that into the novel? And then George Floyd was killed, and since the setting of the novel is Minneapolis, she just included the protests in it too? And at some point, did the plot line shift?

It doesn't matter. I love the way this author writes. There are funny little thoughts that Tookie has, and you will love her for them. And she writes in a bookstore, so she has lots of recommendations for future reading. (Side note - Louise Eldrich owns a bookstore in Minneapolis.) The bookstore has a ghost which is also part of the story. There are just lots of moving parts in this novel, but it works and I loved it. - June