Tuesday, January 21, 2025

All the Children are Home by Patry Francis

I can't remember who recommended this book, but "thanks" to whoever you are. This is a very sad, lovely, hopeful book about a family of foster kids. Dahlia and Louie bring children into their home, and in the course of the novel, we learn about their past and the lives of the kids they raise. It takes place in the 50's and 60's, so some of the music and cultural references are fun. But there's also a lot of heartbreak. It's well written and worth a read. - June 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise

So the back of the book says, "A college dropout and an eighty-four-year-old woman are on the run from the law in the remarkable story of unexpected heart and humor". I was hoping for something similar to One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margo". Even the titles are similar, right?. In both stories, there's a relationship that develops between a young woman and an older one - they learn from one another and support each other. But I have to say I much prefer Lenni and Margo over Tanner and Louise.

Tanner was a soccer star when an injury ended her career and her scholarship at Northwestern. She's depressed and angry, taking it out on her friends and family. Her mother pushes her to help care for Louise, an older woman who lives alone but is pretty spunky and cranky. When Louise wakes up Tanner in the middle of the night and tells her to get ready to drive her to see a friend, Tanner goes along. The majority of the book is about their travels together, their conversations, and the changes in their relationship as they make their way across the country. It's the ending that gets a little weird and, frankly, disappointing. Some of the "facts" that you've been told turn out to be alternative facts which made me feel like I was being played by the author. And there were a couple of characters that are introduced but never really developed and so they disappear (the female FBI agent). And then there's August.... the totally hot guy who Tanner is in lust with, and that relationship is really an unnecessary part of the book except it gives the author the chance to describe his perfect body over and over.

There are humorous parts and the relationship between two vastly different women is fun.... but I'm not recommending it. - June

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

North Woods by Daniel Mason

I just finished reading this fascinating novel, and I feel like I should start over at the beginning to read it again.... not because it was so wonderful (which is was) but because I feel like I missed a lot the first time and there's so much in it! This is the story about a piece of land in Western Massachusetts and the people who live on that land over the centuries. There are themes of nature and how it changes over the years just as the people come and go. 

At first I assumed that each section in the book would just focus on a new resident of this homestead but gradually you see that there is much overlap. I can't explain it without giving away too much but I found it to be extremely well written and a worthwhile read. - June