Monday, January 19, 2009

The Year of Fog

If we really want to document all the books we read, I guess that means we also write an entry on those books that just aren't that great. I recently read The Year of Fog by Michelle Richmond. If only I could eliminate 200 of the 400 pages, I think it would be a great story. Within the first 10 pages of the book, Abby looks away for a moment and her fiance's 6-year-old daughter disappears on the beach. The rest of the story covers the search for the little girl and the effect all of this has on Abby and her fiance. This was the good part. But the author also brought in all the dysfunction in Abby's family when she was a child. And spent chapters discussing the concept of memory as Abby struggled to remember the details of the day Emma disappeared. OK. So I skipped all of this stuff and just wanted to find out what happened to the kid. If you can edit while you read, it's not a bad book. On the cover, it says the Washington Post gave it an A. I'd have to go with a C. -June

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