Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Paris Christmas - Immoveable Feast by John Baxter

A neighbor who knows I love food and traveling decided this book would be perfect for me. And it is a fun book. It's basically the story of the preparations and planning for Christmas dinner by an Australian man who is mararied to a French woman. The best parts were the descriptions of the cheeses, breads, and wines of Paris. Warning... don't read this book if you're trying to diet! I found I couldn't read it without having the urge to nibble on something.


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Anonymous said...

Hi everyone

Im a newbie here, although i have been watching on the sidelines for a little while.
Im a part time librarian, love baking and my wesie Daisy. I also am way too excited about Christmas for words!!
I cant wait to get on here some more and 'meet' lots of new people!

Peace out, Dennis from [url=]Online Payday Loans[/url] website!