Saturday, January 29, 2011

One Thousand White Women by Jim Fergus

Such an interesting idea and intriguing beginning. The subtitle of this book is The Journals of May Dodd and the entire book is written in letter and journal form. At a peace conference in the 1850's, a Cheyenne chief tried to negotiate with the US Army for a gift of one thousand white women to be brides for his warriors. The Army rejected the offer, but this fictional book is based on what might have happened to one woman if the deal had been accepted. Sounds great, huh? Well, I just had a hard time getting into it. The plot moved slowly, and each time I'd pick it up, I felt like I was reading the same part I'd read the previous time. So I skimmed through the middle and moved to the end. Overall, it just wasn't what I'd hoped it to be. -June

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