Saturday, May 14, 2011

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand

This was a book club choice, and one that I was very anxious to read. It's the story of Louis Zamperini.... his wild youth, his success with running track, and his military experiences during WWII. The book has received great reviews, and I did really like it.... but I'm just now sure I liked Louie all that much. However, the torture and tragedies he lives through are beyond belief. Although his experiences in the POW camps was difficult to read, the part of the book that had me glued to the words was the part where he spent 40-some days on a raft in the Pacific Ocean with no food or water. Just remarkable that he survived. War is truly hell. -June

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Extraordinary book, but sometimes I felt like the author was trying too hard to convince the reader that this was a sympathetic hero. Some of the drama seemed gratuitous -- I don't need to read about diarrhea over and over to understand that it is a dreadful state inflicted frequently upon those who are denied proper sustenance! BT