Thursday, August 25, 2011

Still Missing by Chevy Stevens

Dear Amazon,
You think you know me but your don't. You always have some recommendations for me, and yes, sometimes you are correct with your choices, but not this time. You kept recommending Still Missing to me and I believed you. I also believed all the 5-star reviews. And I thought you'd made a good choice for me at the beginning of this book. The first half of the book follows Annie as she is abducted by a crazy, scary guy and help captive in a remote cabin while he rapes and beats her. OK, this normally isn't the kind of stuff I read, but it was suspenseful and I wanted to know how she got out. But then once she's free, the book just fell apart for me. The entire second half is all about Annie re-entering her "normal" life which turns out to be anything but normal. And she's trying to solve the mystery surrounding her abduction. When we find out this mystery, it is just too unbelievable to even understand. So, Amazon, keep recommending those books, but I'll be more cautious next time. -June

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