Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Good Things I Wish You by A. Manette Ansay

Where has the time gone?  I read this one a month ago, and it just seems to have slipped my mind.  I guess that's not a ringing endorsement for the book, is it?  I'm always drawn to books that have interesting concepts, and this one does.  Two separate stories - one in the present and one in the past.  The main character in the present story is writing a book about the characters in the past, Clara Schumann (wife of Robert Schumann) and Johannes Brahms.  Although I found the writing to be excellent, I never was really drawn to any of the characters.  And while their relationships were interesting, I found myself uncaring.  So I'd only recommend this one if you're interested in the lives of either Schumann or Brahms.  -June

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