Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Songs of Willow Frost by Jamie Ford (audiobook)

Although I loved Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, I only give Jamie Ford's second book a C.  The story is interesting and it's obvious that the author has researched the time and location of the novel (Seattle in the 1920's 1930's).  But it's a book where everything terrible that can happen, happens.  The story is told by William, a young Chinese boy living in an orphanage, and by his mother, Liu Song (aka Willow).  Liu Song's story is made up of one tragedy after another, and while it may be a typical one of that time, it is told in such a melodramatic manner that I found it difficult to read.  The author repeated things as if the reader might not have caught them the first five times they were stated.  Plus the author teased the reader with the idea that Liu Song might eventually reveal her secret as to who is William's father, but no - she would think about telling it but always held back.  I wanted to choke her and say "Tell them!!" but she didn't.  This is not one I'd recommend.  -June

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