Friday, December 19, 2014

Dear Committee Members by Julie Schumacher

This book should be required reading for anyone in academia.  Or anyone who has ever had to write letters of recommendation for people who you don't really recommend.  Or really this should be read by everyone because it is so darn funny.  The entire book is a series of letters written by an aging, cranky English professor.  It is so hysterical that I had to stop reading it in public because I was embarrassing myself as I laughed out loud.  The professor has an ex-wife, a girlfriend, and a department head also receive his rambling, witty correspondence.  But the best ones are his letters of recommendation.  (I can hear you laughing from here, BT)  -June

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hilarious Just goes to show you can make even the most mundane task fun...or, at least, amuse yourself while completing it! Thanks, June!