Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Mysteries of Linwood Hart by Richard Russo

Sometimes book titles just pop-up on my Kindle, and generally I just ignore them. But when I saw Richard Russo's name, I paid attention. At first I thought he had a new novel out, and when I saw the price was $.99 I thought it was too good to be true! And I was right. It's just a short story, and one that is a part of his book called The Whore's Child. I rarely read books of short stories so I hadn't read this one, but I was in the mood for something quick and easy to read. AND something well written, which I knew would be the case with Russo.

Lin is a young boy who is struggling with his parent's marriage troubles, his baseball skills, and growing up. Parts of the story are sweet and others tug at your heart. But it's definitely worth a read. Anything by Richard Russo is worthwhile in my opinion. - June

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