Monday, July 4, 2022

Father of the Rain by Lily King

I won't recommend this to you, dear BT, because the last book I recommended by Lily King you didn't care for. And that one (Writers and Lovers) was better than this one. 

But this one hit close to home for me. It's the story of Daley who struggles throughout her life with her relationship with her alcoholic father. The book is divided into three sections: when Daley is about 9 and her parents divorce because of her father's drinking, when Daley is in her early 20's and ready to start her career that she puts on hold because of her father, and when she is probably in her late 30's. 

I won't say that my alcoholic parents were like Daley's father, but there were enough specific details given that reminded me of times in my childhood. And I continue to like the way Lily King writes. So I liked it. But I still won't recommend it to you. - June

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