Thursday, July 27, 2023

Signal Fires by Dani Shapiro

If you hate those books where the author bounces around in time and from one character to another, then this book is not for you. While it was a little disorienting sometime, I didn't mind the shifting times. This is a well-written novel about two families who live across the street from one another. Their lives are intertwined over the years. And it's also about how one incident can change the course of the lives of family members forever.

What I enjoyed most about this book was the character development. The kind, gentle doctor. The quirky brilliant little boy. The angry father who loves his son but is so full of rage he can't control himself. The aging woman who has dementia. Again, beautifully written.

Recommend this one too. - June

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Go As A River by Shelley Read

What a lovely novel! This is one that popped up in one of my FaceBook groups and while it's relatively unknown, those who had read it, loved it. My library didn't even own the digital version, so I had to request they purchase it - and then let me check it out.

The story starts in 1949 a remote part of Colorado. There's a girl who meets a boy..... And I can't really tell you much more without giving it all away. It's beautifully written, and descriptions of the land, the birds, the trees - all so descriptive and perfect.

And it has a good ending. Strongly recommend. - June

Monday, July 10, 2023

The Measure by Nikki Erlick

I know I'm repeating myself when I say this, but I love it when an author comes up with a fresh idea for a novel and manages to pull it off! 

Imagine if you are presented with the opportunity to know exactly how long your life would be. Would you want to know? This is the main premise of The Measure. And, as a society, if we started discovering who would live a short life and who would achieve old age, would we treat each other differently? Would you marry someone who only had a few years to live? Would you hire them? Would you vote for them?

This book is well written but a little predictable. Yet I sttill do recommend it. - June