Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Curious Case of Benjamin Gump

Suddenly there are several movies I want to see, but all of them receive mixed reviews from the critics. So we throw out the reviews and go with the one that has the most interesting previews and the longest title... in this case, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. As we watched the movie, I just had this feeling that there was something familiar about it but I couldn't place what it was. Then as Benjamin's mother is giving him a little piece of wisdom about life... something like "You never know what life will bring", it hit me. "Life is like a box of chocolates!" This movie has similar characters and mood as Forrest Gump. At first I thought it was just a southern thing since both movies take place in the south and both sons call their mother "mama". But it's more than that. There's a sweet innocence to both characters, they both experience war, and they both even own boats. I mentioned this to G on the way home, and he thought I was crazy. But I did a quick search online when we got home and there are actually articles about the similarities so I'm not completely wacko. The good news is that I loved Forrest Gump. And I also liked Benjamin Button. But note that this movie is really long (almost 3 hours) so be sure to withhold any liquid intake for several hours prior to viewing.

1 comment:

Jean said...

saw it new years eve (oh what a frantic social life i have). best thing -- well couldn't you watch brad pitt brush his teeth and be entertained? weakest thing -- the ending. first of all actually regressive growth. could have left ben the same size and just 'un'develop mentally, secondly how would her daughter not know she took care of this person in his last days/years?
still, thought it was worth the time.