Thursday, January 1, 2009

Sara's Key by Tatiana DeRosnay

Mother's friend loaned us the book saying she couldn't put it down and had read it in 2 days. Not to be outdone, Mother also read it in 2 days but didn't comment (a rarity since she just read aloud the product descriptions and prices of the mattresses, box springs and frames she bought 14 years ago--she was cleaning out files). Well, I may have been showing off (I don't trust my motives these days) but I read the book in 5 hours--start to finish without stopping. This is the author's first novel and another novelist wrote, "This is a remarkable historical novel a book that brings to light a disturbing and deliberately hidden aspect of French behavior toward Jews during World War II. Like Sophie's Choice, it's a book that impresses itself upon one's heart and soul forever." I don't know about forever, but it is haunting and I think you'll be glad you read it!

AND please treat yourselves to "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society!" I think both June and Deb recommended it, too.


Jean said...

BT, thanks for the review. This is a book I haven't even heard of so I'll add it to my list.

Jean said...

i too loved it and sent it to june, who i know will love it. if you can get the movie "good-night mr. tom". it deals with the british child relocation program which is part of the subject in the book. very touching. tillie

Jean said...

The topic sounds a bit like Suite Francaise. Did you read that one? I enjoyed the first part, but found myself skimming towards the end.