Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Middle Place by Kelly Corrigan

Great book! When I tell you it's about a young mother who discovers she has breast cancer, you'll think I'm crazy to tell you that it's a fun book to read. And when I tell you that at the same time she battles her disease, her father is diagnosed with bladder cancer, you'll really doubt my judgment. But she writes with such honesty and wit that you feel like you're talking with a friend. And speaking of friends, I will send this book to the first friend who leaves a comment for this posting and asks me to send it their way. I guess I'll find out if anyone is out there. :) - June

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another "Me, too!" for this book. It's a Memoir but the librarian said the publisher asks that it be classified as Fiction because that sells/moves better! It does sound strange to report that it is fun to read, but Corrigan credits her (sometimes black) humor with being the trait that helps her to survive. She is so candid about her feelings regardless of whether an outsider could judge them harshly. And those repressive parents, lovable though they may be.. Highly recommend!