Sunday, June 6, 2010

Comments from BT

I just read the latest by Michael Chabon (autobiographical): Manhood for Amateurs, The Pleasures and Regrets of a Husband, Father and Son. (He also wrote, among others, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay--fabulous book for which he won the Pulitzer for fiction a few years back)
Sample paragraph:
"This is an essential element of the business of being a man: to flood everyone around you in a great radiant arc of bullshit; one whose source and object of greatest intensity is yourself. To behave as if you have everything firmly under control even when you have just sailed your boat over the falls. "To keep your head...when all about you are losing theirs." (Rudyard Kipling) but in reality, the trick of being a man is to give the appearance of keeping your head when, deep inside, the truest part of you is crying out, Oh shit!" It was good.

I LOVED Amazing Adventures but couldn't get into The Yiddish Policemen's Union -- story of a Jewish settlement (60 years after seeing refuge following WWII) in Sitka, Alaska. I read 1/4 and may return to it because the reviews were superb...

And I think I already wrote that House Rules is very, very good--although I may have had an extra interest because of the extraordinary insight into Asberger's Syndrome.

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