Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Story Sisters by Alice Hoffman

I really like this author and (I think it's her latest) "The Story Sisters." Now I want to read "The Third Angel" which she wrote before this one. "Here on Earth" was an Oprah selection and we read "Turtle Moon" and "Practical Magic" (made a movie) and the last one I read was "The Probable Future." I think June turned us on to Alice Hoffman, but I've slept plenty since then, so... Anyhoo, this is a page turner, odd, disquieting, sad and Jodi Picoult says "Alice Hoffman has outdone herself" but they probably all say that about one another. I liked this snippet best: "A bewitching weave of psychologically astute fantasy and shattering realism...This is an entrancing and romantic drama shot through with radiant beauty and belief in human resilience and transformation." - BT

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