Thursday, December 30, 2010

Room by Emma Donoghue

I just finished Room (listed as one of the Top 10 Fiction works of 2010 by the New York Times)--same author as Slammerkin (which I had intended to order a few months ago but got stacked up, so postponed). It is an astonishing work and I stayed up until 1:30 ON A SCHOOL NIGHT reading to it's conclusion. Anita Shreve wrote "I loved Room....It's unlike anything I've ever read before." Another author wrote "Room is one of the most profoundly affecting books I've read in a long time. Jack moved me greatly. His voice, his story, his innocence, his love for Ma, combine to create something very unusual and, I think something very important. I read the book over two days desperate to know how their story would end...Room deserves to reach the widest possible audience." Author of The Hours wrote "Room is that rarest of entities, an entirely original work of art. I mean it as the highest possible praise when I tell you that I can't compare it to any other book." Can't wait to hear what you think!!!! -BT

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