Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Crying Tree by Naseem Rakha

Just finished "The Crying Tree" and highly recommend it. It's about a family disrupted by the violent shooting death of their 15 year old son, the next 19 years leading to the "warrant" (didn't know it was called that) ordering the shooter's execution by lethal injection; the moral dilemma of the warden, the hatred and bitterness of the family, secrets and forgiveness--some excellent observations on the penal system, etc. It's the author's debut novel and well worth the read. The author of The Art of Racing in the Rain writes "Beautifully written, expertly crafted, forcefully rendered. The Crying Tree is a story of forgiveness and redemption but at its core it is a love story as well and that is the most powerful story of all." -BT

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