Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Seduction of Water by Carol Goodman

On the cover of this book is a quote from the New York magazine describing the book as "an atmospheric thriller".  Not sure at all what that means exactly, but I was expecting something like Daphne du Maurier perhaps.  The only atmosphere in the first 100 pages is life in New York City.  Generally if I haven't fallen into a book after reading 100 pages, I give up.  But while I wasn't sure about this book, I kept on reading.  Fortunately, it did get better once Iris returns to her family's upstate hotel to research her mother's life and her mysterious death.  This book has many characters that often make the plot confusing and complicated.  There are references to her mother's fantasy books that are strange and yet are supposed to be helpful in figuring it all out.  I think the book manages to be a bit of a love story, a mystery, and a fantasy novel - and it just didn't work for me.  I read to the end to find what Iris discovered - but frankly, I was relieved to have it done. -June

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