Friday, June 7, 2013

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry

This is another one of those quiet, well-written books that is just a nice read.  It reminded me a bit of Major Pettigrew - in fact, in the movie in my head as I read the book, the same actor played Harold and Major Pettigrew.  Harold, however, is not as clever and quick as MP.  He's actually kind of a boring guy until one day he just sets out on this journey to see a dying friend.  Like other books I seem to have read lately, the main character spends a great deal of time looking back on his life as he walks, and he often is filled with regret.  I enjoyed the beginning of this book, but frankly found the middle a little slow.  As Harold walks, he encounters many people and learns their stories.  This happens over and over again until I was ready to just skip to the end.  There's a twist a few chapters from the end that fills in some of the blanks and makes the ending a bit more satisfying.  I told a friend to read the first third and the last third.  That's my recommendation.  -June

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