Monday, May 12, 2014

The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty

I've been trying to decide how I feel about this book for days.  Yes, I was caught up in the mystery of secret, but once it's known, the mystery just becomes how the characters are all going to work their way through the messes their lives have become.  Cecelia (the perfect wife and mother) finds a letter in the attic addressed to her and written by her husband.  It's to be opened when he dies but he's still very much alive.  Her life changes as soon as she reads it.  Another character, Tess, finds out her husband and her cousin are in love.  Rachel is an elderly woman who's teenage daughter, Janie, was murdered 20 years ago.  All these lives are woven around each other and come to a dramatic ending.  And a pretty predictable ending too.  Let's just say it's good chick lit but the writing seemed repetitive and drawn out much of the time.  I'd give a lukewarm recommendation at best.  -June

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This one is a hard one to score, for sure. Not the best writing in the world, but certainly not the worst. And I must admit, it was hard to turn off the Kindle. Agree with June that the ending was predictable, but not until the last few pages of "resolution." Then, again, I probably have a different experience with secrets.