Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Institute by Stephen King

My husband loves Stephen King. I think he's read every one of his books. I read a lot of his earlier novels - Salem's Lot, The Stand, The Shining. I admire his creativity and his ability to churn out one story after another, but I haven't read too many of his recent books. Then G finished this one, he moved it to my "to be read" shelf and said, "Read this one next".

Stephen King knows how to develop characters, and I think he's especially good at capturing children. I won't give away any plot secrets, but there are a group of children in this book, and he gives them all personalities and quirks and makes them come alive. The story is a page-turner, and I spent too many nights staying up late trying to get to a good place to stop.... and not finding one. The ending wasn't quite what I wanted, but it probably ended the only way it could. I won't say any more. Recommend - June

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