Friday, January 19, 2024

Friends, Lovers, and the Terrible Thing by Matthew Perry

I always loved Chandler. My favorite friend character kept changing - sometimes Joey, sometimes Rachel, but always Chandler. His comedic timing was perfection. So after all of the publicity surrounding his addiction and then his tragic death, I thought I should read his autobiography. Well, I made it almost to the end of the audio book, but I couldn't listen to his voice anymore. It was really hard to hear him talk about his relapses and his near-death experiences when I know how this story ends. I'm guessing that the book ends with hope for a better future for him, and I couldn't force myself to hear about it. Maybe if I had read the book instead of listened?? Anyway, his backstory is interesting but his path into alcoholism and drug addiction is hard to hear. But it's well written and it was nice to know he could laugh at himself through it all. I do recommend it. - June 

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