Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Financial Life of Poets by Jess Walker

Can you tell I have a "thing" about Jess Walker these days since I've read two of his books in the past month?  After reading Beautiful Ruins, I started checking out some of his other novels, and Financial Life of Poets was a deal to download on my Kindle.  It's certainly very different from Beautiful Ruins, but both are very well written.  Financial Life is the story of a man who lives with his wife, two sons, and his father who is suffering from dementia.  The man has lost his job as a reporter, and is not able to find another job.  He's days away from losing his home.  Somehow in the midst of all this bad news, there's a wacky sense of humor in the writing.  Then things get really crazy as our main character starts getting involved in selling pot, and he's convinced his wife is having an affair.  And there are several other sub-plots going on at the same time.  It may not be all that believable, but it sure is a fun read.  -June

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This quirky little novel had me laughing while on the treadmill...I'm just sayin'....