Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Lost Wife by Alyson Richman

Here we go again..... another Holocaust book.  That's kind of the way I felt about picking this one up, but a friend strongly recommended it so I added it to the Kindle.  The book starts off with a bang.  An elderly man who is attending his grandson's wedding realizes that the grandmother of the groom is his long-lost wife.  Now that gets your attention.  The author then goes back in time to Prague before the war where we meet the young woman and man along with their families.  Their stories are fascinating if you enjoy learning and reading about the horror of concentration camps and the torture the people endured.  Hard to read.  But I thought it was quite well written.

My only complaint is an odd one. The couple is separated soon after their marriage, and they continued to love each other throughout their lives.  Every couple of chapters, the author had one character or the other relive those few intimate moments they shared.  I'm no prude, and I think a few juicy sex scenes can be fun to read, but this was kind of soft porn overdone.  Some of these memories go on for pages.  I actually found myself skipping over them because they were repetitive.  But other than this one minor issue, I feel it's a good read.  If you're looking for yet another Holocaust book.  -June

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