Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Caleb's Crossing by Geraldine Brooks

Caleb's Crossing takes place in the mid-1600's on what is now Martha's Vineyard and the Boston area.  Caleb is a Native American who crosses from his world to the English world, and he ends up being the first Native American to graduate from Harvard.  This is the part of the book that's true.  Most of the rest of the book is fiction and presents a story that includes Caleb. Even though the book is named after him, Bethia is the narrator and the main character.  Her story includes Caleb and her relationship with him.  I thoroughly enjoyed this book with just one tiny exception. Bethia is just a little too advanced, and to me, she sometimes came across as unrealistic - almost like a 20th century woman who was plunked down in the middle of the 1600's.  The characters are well developed, and the descriptions of the island are beautifully written.  Recommended.  -June

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