Friday, January 25, 2013

The Gap Year by Sarah Bird

I thought this book would be about a magical year for a young woman between high school and college.  And, if I'm interpreting the cover correctly, it would also be about that same year in the life of her mother.  Wrong.  This book is all about a very tumultuous high school senior year and the relationship between daughter and mom.  I loved the writing and loved reading the book.  It so much nicer to read about the strain between parent and child than to live through it.  And I think the author does a great job of portraying the two differing points of view.  However, I think the end was a bit too tidy and some of the events in the final pages made me think, "Huh, where did that come from?"  But overall, I recommend it and I'm sending it off to BT who, as a mother to a beautiful daughter, might have more insight into that relationship. - June

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this book. I did enjoy it and can understand that a mother-daughter relationship in "real life" would make it more relevant. Mine was in high school not so long ago that I couldn't recall much of the angst. Author is a humorous writer which I also enjoyed.