Monday, March 4, 2013

Sister by Rosamund Lupton

Another mystery.  After reading Defending Jacob, I was ready for a change, but the next book I had planned to read on my Kindle was Sister.  Actually, I had no idea that it was a "who dunnit" type of book.  I really enjoyed the beginning and how the author set everything up.  The characters were well done and the book flowed well up until about 3/4 of the way into it.  By that point, both the main character and I suspected just about everyone to be the killer.  And then by the end, everything kind of fell apart.  Some people might say that the twists at the end were exciting, but I found it all to be a bit far-fetched and confusing.  But I will say that the story kept me reading, and that in itself is a good sign.  -June

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