Sunday, February 24, 2013

Defending Jacob by William Landay

What a ride!  This is one of those rare books that grabs you right from the start and doesn't let go.  It's the story of a murder and a DA who is investigating it.  Soon into the book, we learn that the DA's son may have committed this awful crime.  The book then shifts to the family and how they are coping with this situation and the trial that takes place.  There are several surprises along the way that make it impossible to put down.  Truly, this is every parent's nightmare, and you live it as you read it.  We all love our children, but how much can you take as a parent.  Highly recommend.  -June

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used reading this book as an incentive to go to the gym and do an hour on the treadmill. It is so well written and poignant. Highly recommend, just like June said...