Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Devil in the Grove by Gilbert King

A well-written, well-researched book, it is no wonder it received a Pulitzer Prize.  This is the story of Thurgood Marshall and racism in the south in the 1940's and 1950's.  There is so much in this book that I never knew about and although I thought I was somewhat familiar with Marshall's life, I really didn't know much at all.

But I feel I need to warn you.  I couldn't read it before I went to sleep.  And I could only read it for a few pages and then I had to put it away.  It is hard to read this part of our history and realize it is not that long ago.  And then to turn on the news and see the acts of racism that still exist.  I'm sending it your way, BT.  I think you can handle it better than I did.  -June

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