Saturday, April 15, 2017

Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City by Matthew Desmond

My book club rarely reads non-fiction, but this one was on our list. And it deserved to be. The day we were to discuss the book, it won the Pulitzer Prize (so I'm sure you'll be reading this one, BT).

Matthew Desmond, a Harvard professor, has studied poverty in America and has done extensive research on evictions and the impact they have on individuals. He focused this study on Milwaukee,and he moved into trailer parks and inner-city apartments to get close to the people involved. The book is fascinating, depressing, well-written, and heartbreaking. I happened to be on vacation as I read it, and I felt a combination of guilt and despair as I learned the stories of the people of Milwaukee. In addition to the eight families who rent the trailers and apartments, Mr. Desmond also introduces the reader to two landlords. The book does read like fiction, but sadly, it is all true.

This isn't an easy book to read but is definitely worthwhile and recommended. - June


Anonymous said...

thought it was one of the very best books I've read on poverty

Anonymous said...

I think I already indicated that I'd read this important book and admired the treatment of this tragic phenomenon.