Friday, April 28, 2017

The Summer Guest by Justin Cronin

Boy, I love a well-written book! Yes, I enjoy a page-turner and a fun light read now and then. But a book that can transport you to a magical place and introduce you to amazing characters..... well, it just is the best! I loved this book! It takes place in one of my favorite spots, Maine. This isn't on the coast but inland at a summer fishing camp, kind of a resort-type rustic facility with a lodge and cabins. As the book begins, a long-time guest who is dying returns to the camp to catch one final fish. From here, the author jumps to all the people in this opening scene and we learn all about their lives and how their stories are woven together. One of the best books I've read in months. - June

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I received Amazon Gift Cards for my birthday, I treated myself to this book on your recommendation and I'm glad I did. I thought of you and your love of Maine as I read. I so admire authors who write with such depth and texture while effectively communicating some of those most difficult emotions and situations. A+++